contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd

Contoh soal:

My School
This is my school. The headmaster is in the office. There is a library near a classroom; my school has a schoolyard and a toilet. In the yard there is a flag. There is a teacher in front of the classroom and there are students in the garden.
1. Where is the headmaster? He is in……..
A. the classroom
B. the office
C. library
D. toilet
2. There is a … near a classroom.
A. Classroom
B. Office
C. library
D. toilet
3. My school has……..
A. a schoolyard and a toilet
B. a classroom
C. toilet and waiting room
D. Toilet and bench.
4. Who is in front of classroom? He is……..
A. headmaster
B. a teacher
C. student
D. school guard
5. It is a……..
A. windy
B. cloudy
C. rainy day
D. sunny day
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